Thursday, May 14, 2015


Commencement season is upon us.  This means several weeks of speaker hangs, lectern mics and back up locations.  Doesn't help, that in the middle of a three day set-up, I get the damn flu!  No fun working with a clogged head, especially out of doors.

The start of the month saw LVC's graduation, which, as of this year, moved to a strictly indoor location.  Meaning, no load-in/load-out at two different locations, sweating your sack off in the May sun.  

This week, we're doing Bucknell's commencement, which has a very large outdoor set up, with 9 EAW 740s per-side, plus 3 per-side EAW 730s as delay speakers.  It's quite the affair, with a 600 ft FOH cable run.  The rain location (indoor) set up is 5 per-side 730s on Genie towers.  Load in 3 days, with a fourth for tuning and rehearsing.  Load out is one (long) day.  As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I'm home sick with the flu today, so I have no idea how far my compatriots have come in their load in.

That's all I've got.  I'm going to drink some tea and moan slightly every now and again.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New page added...

I've added the Seventh Wave Studio build page to the blog (see the pages bar at the top).  It's unfinished, as I'd planned to have a lengthy discourse on studio "vibe", but I just can't be fucked to speak intelligently about lightbulbs and paint at the moment.  But enjoy everything else.  Sorry the photos make it weird, but all the slideshow plugins for blogger are bullshit.